Share the Latched Mama Love!

We want to share the Latched Mama love with the world! But, we need your help, mama. If you've ever dreamed of being a content creator, this is your chance to get started.
We are looking for user generated content including photos, videos, and testimonials of you in your Latched Mama clothing. We are looking for natural and authentic content to share on social media and advertising.
All submissions that follow the below guidelines will be entered into a monthly raffle for a $75 Latched Mama gift card! Even better? If your photo or video is used for advertising, you will be compensated with a $100 Latched Mama gift card and a chance to become a part-time Latched Mama Content Creator!

Content Types
Well lit
Focused on you
Selfie style or tripod
Wearing clothing purchased in the last 2 months
Showcase functionality like nursing access, babywearing, comfort, etc
Well lit, high resolution, quality sound
Selfie style or tripod
Natural, authentic, not staged
Intro with a hook to grab viewer's attention
Showcase how Latched Mama has changed your nursing journey
Strong opening hook "how am I just finding out about this brand" or "3 things you need to know about Latched Mama"
Speak to the camera or show the product
We will use your words verbatim as a voiceover or in text


Testimonial Examples

Guidelines & FAQ
Photo Guidelines
If sharing a picture, make sure the room is well lit and you are the focus of the photo. For a picture submission, please provide a written testimonial in the submission form. See above for a good picture examples.
Videos and pictures must be high resolution, well lit, quality sound. Tip for lighting: film in front of a window! Record in 1080p 30fps for best resolution (this can be changed in your camera settings) and vertically with a 9:16 aspect ratio.
Name the file with your first and last name and date submitted.
Video Guidelines
Videos should feel authentic and relatable, not staged or scripted. Pretend like you're facetiming a friend! You can hold your phone while filming to provide true point of view experience or use a tripod and film yourself putting the phone on the tripod.
If taking a video, start with a strong opening statement/hook that will capture attention quickly like "how am I just finding out about this brand" or "3 things you need to know about Latched Mama" Share your Latched Mama clothing and fill in the rest of the story that you opened with. You can speak to how this clothing has changed your breastfeeding journey, what you love about it, how it works, before/after, demonstrating how discreet breastfeeding can be, how to babywear in our clothing (NOTE: if babywearing, please make sure your baby is in an appropriate position and nose and mouth are visible). You can either speak to the camera or show the product and provide your words in the submission form.
We will use your words verbatim as a voiceover or in text. See below for a good video example.
Videos and pictures must be high resolution, well lit, quality sound. Tip for lighting: film in front of a window! Record in 1080p 30fps for best resolution (this can be changed in your camera settings) and vertically with a 9:16 aspect ratio.
Keep video duration under 2 minutes. No need to edit you can provide the raw footage.
Name the file with your first and last name and date submitted.
Full Disclosure
By submitting your video/pictures, you are agreeing that Latched Mama may use them for marketing purposes now and in the future.
Latched Mama reserves the right to modify the contents of this program at any time including compensation.
This program is in effect starting Dec 7, 2023 and any content submitted and used by Latched Mama prior to Dec 7, 2023 is not eligible for the Show and Tell program.
Each month, you will be given one raffle entry regardless of the number of pieces of content submitted that month.
How do I submit my entry?
Submit entry with our consent form:
Menu on the righthand side of the form has option to attach image, video, and testimonial.
What do I win/earn for submitting a photo, video, or testimonial?
Each month we will draw a winner from submissions for a $75 Latched Mama gift card. If your content is used for advertising purposes, you will be compensated with a $100 Latched Mama gift card.
What clothing can I show in my submission?
Clothing must be Latched Mama purchased within the past two months so that the product is current.
Where can I get more inspiration for photo and video ideas?
Check out Latched Mama on Instagram:
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